Environment Install
Environment intsall about some problems and their solutions.
Environment intsall about some problems and their solutions.
AKA cat map
The classic Arnold Transform
is a two-dimensional reversible map. The discrete form of the Arnold Transform
is periodic and changes with the size of the image.
The LCG algorithm is applied to the generation of pseudo random numbers.
X_{n + 1} \equiv (a X_{n} + b) \mod m
The LCG defines three variables——multiplier a, increment b, and modulus m, which decide the generator.
Spend time on studying RUST
, stay hungry and stay foolish.
Never give up, keep climbing~
Two different approaches to homomorphic encryption. These ways are called as “paillier-cryptosystem”.
And to understand the principle behind them, I do the proof.
As a routine notepad to record some recurrent tasks in Chinese.
These tasks are somewhat special or interesting, which deserve recording.
As a routine notepad to record some recurrent tasks in Chinese.
These tasks are somewhat special or interesting, which deserve recording.
Timelines are from new to old.
As a routine notepad to record some recurrent tasks in Chinese.
These tasks are somewhat special or interesting, which deserve recording.
Descriptions about the common difficult problems in cryptography.
I will learn about them in the nearly future.
The dp_leakage
in RSA attacks, the post will introduce some extensions about the dp_leakage
, using the example [2020YCB]Power
Next part will resolve the [2022MIMIC]cry1
which is more easier than the former wp. The former by using polynomial
, the latter by using math deduction
with fermat_little_theorem
Both of them will be given full solutions and comparison.