As a routine notepad to record some recurrent tasks in Chinese.

These tasks are somewhat special or interesting, which deserve recording.

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The dp_leakage in RSA attacks, the post will introduce some extensions about the dp_leakage, using the example [2020YCB]Power.

Next part will resolve the [2022MIMIC]cry1 which is more easier than the former wp. The former by using polynomial, the latter by using math deduction with fermat_little_theorem.

Both of them will be given full solutions and comparison.

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I am reading Ideal, varieties, and algorithms, however I haven’t learnt the abstract algebra. Thus I will make some records for some typical definitions, which can help me learn well about this book.

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Some basics about elliptic curves. Make a description about ECC, and show the attacks and conversions to code.

ECC is somewhat difficult, and also the analysis which is necessary ought to be detailed.

The ECC always connects to the usage of sagemath, this post also introduces some common usages about ECC in sagemath.

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Figure out 2 tasks.

One is for crypto, and the other is for misc.

Both of them are easy.

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Some traffic packets may be encrypted. When I import the private key in one case, I can’t get the decrypted packets like http.

FinalIy, I search for this problem and get the solution.

This post aims to make a conclusion about the encrypted-traffic-packets(tls/ssl).

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