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Environment intsall about some problems and their solutions.

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AKA cat map.

The classic Arnold Transform is a two-dimensional reversible map. The discrete form of the Arnold Transform is periodic and changes with the size of the image.

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The LCG algorithm is applied to the generation of pseudo random numbers.
X_{n + 1} \equiv (a X_{n} + b) \mod m

The LCG defines three variables——multiplier a, increment b, and modulus m, which decide the generator.

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Spend time on studying RUST, stay hungry and stay foolish.

Never give up, keep climbing~

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Two different approaches to homomorphic encryption. These ways are called as “paillier-cryptosystem”.

And to understand the principle behind them, I do the proof.

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As a routine notepad to record some recurrent tasks in Chinese.

These tasks are somewhat special or interesting, which deserve recording.

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As a routine notepad to record some recurrent tasks in Chinese.

These tasks are somewhat special or interesting, which deserve recording.

Timelines are from new to old.

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